Mean Spirited

I just received my first mean nasty comment on my blog 😦  I knew this day would eventually come.  I have been blogging creatively for over 4 years and everyone has always been so kind and supportive.  I feel that is the way this community should be.

The comment I received was in reference to the custom dollhouse I listed in my Etsy shop.  I was in not so nice terms told that I was overcharging.  A lot of time goes into these dollhouses, hours and hours of sanding, priming, painting, varnishing, sewing and gluing.  You get the picture.  It literally takes me weeks to do.  I simply have to pay myself for my time when making something for someone else.  Otherwise, it is not worth the time taken away from my home and family.  I never want anyone to feel like I am trying to rip them off.  Ever.  That is not my intention at all.

I am not sure where I am going with this…..I just wanted to respond.  I will be honest, it hurt my feelings, I should just let it roll off of my back.  I just wanted to let everyone who reads my blog know that I am never trying to take anyone for a ride.

I do have a free tutorial for the dollhouses here on my blog and yes, it is a lot cheaper to make it yourself, unless you want to charge for your time 🙂  If you ever have any questions or need any help with any of my tutorials leave me a comment and I will email you back.

Thank you to all the kind people who read and comment and make me want to continue writing.  Have a wonderful day! 🙂

30 Responses to “Mean Spirited”

  1. 1 Ginger June 9, 2010 at 11:37 pm

    so sorry! i just stumbled onto your blog and think it’s great…everyone always tells me i should sell my stuff and i explain the whole time vs. price issue…it really is a labor of love and needs to be appreciated…that person probably is one that will be a huge supporter of places like walmart too…just saying…please continue on for all of us who love and appreciate you…mean people truly do suck! : )

  2. 2 beth lehman June 9, 2010 at 11:56 pm

    so sorry about that – really. don’t let it get you down!

  3. 3 Andi June 10, 2010 at 12:13 am

    I’ve just had a look at your dolls houses in your shop and I have to say, I’m also a little surprised at the price.
    With all the hours of work you must put in (including time to consult with the customer) how do you manage to keep the price so LOW?
    They are beautiful little pieces of art and you should be extremely proud of them.
    That miserable commenter can go out and get themselves some nasty piece of plastic and enjoy it for 10 minutes before bits start breaking off.
    There’s just no pleasing some people!!

  4. 4 jujubebe June 10, 2010 at 12:34 am

    I’m sorry someone left a mean comment. I loved your dollhouse and totally appreciate the work that goes into it.

  5. 5 Angelina June 10, 2010 at 12:46 am

    Number 1. Those dollhouses are adorable!

    Number 2. I don’t think they’re priced high at all! You deserve to be paid for your time. I think that people who think the price of handcrafted goods are too high either don’t make things themselves and so don’t realize the time it takes, or they buy most things at walmart at mass produced prices.

    Don’t let it get you down!

  6. 6 Crafty Mummy June 10, 2010 at 12:58 am

    You have very right to charge what you think is right – only you know how much time and effort went into designing and making your work. If someone out there doesn’t want to pay for them, then that’s their choice. They don’t need to be mean about it.
    It reminds of kids in the school yard being nasty just because they can! So we’ll all be your friends who stood there and told them to “Go Away!”, and gave you a hug!

  7. 7 jenn June 10, 2010 at 1:43 am

    negativity towards designers/artists always gets me down! i can’t help but give you my two cents here. i think women, in general, and artists (again, in general) are constantly having the value of the work they do questioned. often, when i create a new piece to sell i second guess my pricing and i always think that i’m selling stuff for too high a price, when in reality, the time we all take to CREATE is, indeed, time away from other endeavors. what price can you put on that?! i think you should be proud of the work you do and don’t let anyone devalue it. if it’s sold for the price your asking, awesome… and if not, that doesn’t mean it isn’t worth the cost – or even more! value what you do, even when others don’t! yr work is beautiful. thanks for letting me share.

  8. 8 Lisa W. June 10, 2010 at 1:45 am

    Don’t let those kind of comments rattle you. If people don’t appreciate the time spent making a dollhouse, no one is forcing them to buy it!

  9. 9 Jeni June 10, 2010 at 2:32 am

    Sorry to hear that you received a nasty comment! 😦

  10. 10 allie June 10, 2010 at 2:39 am

    oh barf. people are dumb. whoever it is will make someone’s dream of a horrible mother-in-law come true.

  11. 11 D Spack June 10, 2010 at 3:50 am

    Jamie, I have to tell you, I made 2 of your quilted bibs, took them to quilt group to show…EVERYONE loved them! I sent your link to several of the members, one gal went straight home that afternoon and made two of them from your tutorial. Thanks so much! Don’t let the negative faze you.

  12. 12 leigh June 10, 2010 at 3:56 am

    Well that is just lame. I mean, that someone would actually go to the trouble of leaving a mean comment. I always get sensitive when people make rude comments or backhanded compliments about my sewing or craftmaking. So I’m sorry that people can’t just keep their mean feelings to themselves. You make beautiful stuff! And your dollhouses are adorable! (And completely worth the money you are charging. Homemade things cost a lot of time and personal interest to make. They are kind of like your babies.)

  13. 13 emily June 10, 2010 at 12:50 pm

    All I can say is, lame-o! Brush it of girl because your craftiness is worth every penny!

  14. 14 Cheryl Jaeger June 10, 2010 at 1:36 pm

    Good luck with letting this comment go. Obviously, the commentor has not tried to paint those little people or the house. I tried to paint the little people (my pics are posted on your flickr group), and mine are not even close to being as cute as yours. My little house is still unpainted, but it’s on my summer to-do list. Your work is perfect. Hang tough!

  15. 15 Julie June 10, 2010 at 1:40 pm

    I like what Emily said. Ha. Lame-O is exactly right. And handmade craftiness is always worth every penny.

  16. 16 sewshesews June 10, 2010 at 2:26 pm

    Thank you all so much for your kindness 🙂 I am feeling much better today. I just have to remember that often people who intentionally try to be rude and hurtful are often times hurting themselves. XOXO

  17. 17 Holly June 10, 2010 at 3:01 pm

    hmph. Let them go buy their doll house from a mass produced box store. You should charge for your time. I think that people who handmake often under price what they are selling because they are not charging anything for their time. You have the right to set a price that you think is fair…and the commenter has the right to choose not to purchase if they believe the price is unfair.

    I think that your doll houses are lovely – I admire all of the detail that you put into them! Thanks for being so generous in sharing the tutorial!

  18. 18 wendy June 10, 2010 at 4:31 pm

    Three words for the Grinch who opined about the price of your dollhouse: Stink, Stank, Stunk!

    You keep on with your creativity (which you seem to have an unfair portion of…!) and disregard the professional complainers. Like my mom says, there’s one wherever you go. Kind of like a ratio thing, 99% good hearted people to 1% spoilers. Don’t take it to heart. And thanks for sharing your crafty self with everyone. I plan to start on the burp cloths (with my 13 year old’s help!) for a new little boy cousin. Your pattern is the neatest, most practical I’ve found.

    Have a great day!

  19. 19 Magnolia Designs June 10, 2010 at 6:14 pm

    I too, have my own business…it started out as custom hand painted pottery. Each piece takes HOURS to complete, start to finish, and I would never want to sell something to someone that isn’t top quality. If they don’t like your prices, then they don’t have to buy it. Bottom line. Don’t let the criticism affect you in the least. People like that are miserable and have nothing better to do than find fault in others, even people they don’t know. You are talented, sincere, and from what I can gather from your blog, extremely kindhearted. I too have been criticised for my Quilting for Babes project, and I have just blown it off for what it is…garbage!

  20. 20 Kristen June 10, 2010 at 6:41 pm

    I just found your blog and I love, love, love your dollhouse! Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there! There is the time and love put into items like that make them priceless! You don’t want people like that buying your art!

  21. 21 Lisa LeBlanc June 10, 2010 at 7:17 pm

    It is hard to hear bad things when you only have good intentions. People who don’t choose to craft, quilt etc. have no idea how much time goes into a quality project. You do beautiful, quality work and need to be reimbursed for it. Keep up the good work…remember it is only one nasty comment…there are far more of us out in ‘blog’ land that love and admire your work. Lisa in Texas

  22. 22 Wendy June 10, 2010 at 10:08 pm

    So sorry to hear you have had a negative comment. Some people just can’t help themselves. You stick to your guns. If they can’t afford or appreciate you beautiful work that is no fault of yours. You are a star!

  23. 23 Amy June 11, 2010 at 12:41 pm

    Oh Honey, I just read this and I’m so upset that someone would be ugly to you! I can’t think of a more generous crafter / blogger than you. You always have the best tutorials and give other crafters SO much. I’m sure you’re over this by now, but I still wanted to chime in. I’ve had people leave mean comments to me too, and yes, it hurts. But there are so many more kind people than the random uglies.

    I love ya.


  24. 24 Jody June 12, 2010 at 11:46 am

    Honestly, you are such a generous, kind person…and I know that because you were so kind to me when we shared a similar life changing situation:) Please don’t let one nasty comment get you down because there are lots of supporters out there who respect you and love reading your blog! The mean spirited comment actually says more about the person writing it than you!!

  25. 25 Kellie June 14, 2010 at 2:44 am

    Oh my goodness how rude. I think they are beautiful what you do. I think people don’t realize how long making something hand made takes. We live in a world where you can buy what you need at wal-mart from a mass produced factory and it just isn’t the same. I love your blog and your tutorials are the best! I think you are very fair with your prices.


  26. 26 Mckinley June 14, 2010 at 3:24 am

    Don’t let it get you down!!! You are adorable! You are 1 of 3 blogs I HAVE to check everyday! I love your stuff and your tutorials! and if I had a little girl that would SOOOO be a small price to pay (especially cause you make them so darn cute!)

    To that ridiculous mean person: if you don’t have anything nice to say- don’t say anything at all.

  27. 27 littleredwren June 15, 2010 at 7:34 pm

    I remember thinking the price was totally fair, I know your dollhouses are a ton of work and care and are completely one of a kind. If you don’t value handmade items that are quality, beautiful, and individual, don’t buy it! Why insult the artist behind the work?

    Someone was having a bad day and took it out on you. I’m sorry.

    I have to tell you – your blog inspires me and I appreciate your creativity!

  28. 28 Jaime Mitchell June 21, 2010 at 7:12 pm

    I just read this Jaime and gosh I have to say – that person has NO idea what goes into those things! I made one after I saw your tutorial and the materials alone must have cost me $50 bucks! Not to mention all that time modging and podging and delicate handy work. Let it be rolled right off your back because that person is clearly ignorant and plain rude! I leave in a week! Moving…to Aspen, but I’ll be here on the blog world and checking out your projects and posts anyways! take care my friend. – Jaime

  29. 29 Alison July 4, 2010 at 2:31 pm

    Hello, I just found your gorgeous blog and was eagerly devouring your creative posts! Until I found this post of the nasty comment – I’m so sorry! Why was this person looking on etsy???? Surely some factory created chinese made plastic doll house would have suited them fine!! What is this assumption that someones time, effort and skill cant be charged for? We cant compete with factory made and why should we? Keep making your beautiful pieces for people that appreciate your effort!!

    • 30 sewshesews July 4, 2010 at 3:28 pm

      Thank you all so much! You have helped let go of this mean comment and know that there are a lot more people who love creativity and hard work and support hand made items 🙂 xoxo

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